Category Archives: Contractors

Approved Meeting Minutes

Peacock Hill Community Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting: Peacock Hill Community Association
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
660 Big Oak Road, Dowell Residence

PHCA Board Present:
Paul Dowell
Charlie Molhoek
Debbie Ross
Greg Lohr
Jan Dutton
Beth Hollen
Tavis Coffin
Not Present:
Miles Davis
Suzanne Schaeffer
CBRE Staff:
Lacy Wilbur

Trip Walker (350 Heron)
Fran White (234 Turkey Ridge Lane)
Cynthia Schnaitman (PHSC)
David Lockledge (PHSC)

The meeting was called to order by Board President Paul Dowell at 7:07PM and having seven (7) of nine (9) Board members present, quorum to conduct business was established.
Also in attendance was Trip Walker of 350 Heron Lane, Fran White of 234 Turkey Ridge Lane (volunteer website manager), Cynthia Schnaitman of PHSC, David Lockledge of PHSC and Lacy Wilbur, Managing Agent with CBRE|Charlottesville.
The first order of business was the review and approval of the meeting minutes from April 18, 2018. Mr. Dutton moved that the minutes be approved as presented. Mr. Molhoek seconded the motion and with no further discussion the minutes were approved unanimously.

Next, the Board heard from Ms. White regarding the Community’s website, Ms. White requested that the Board and Manager provide some guidance on the expectations for the site. Mr. Dowell recommended that the topic of the website remain on the agenda for Board of Directors meetings for the time being.
Following the website discussion, Mrs. White excused herself from the meeting.

Next, the Manager delivered the Manager’s report. The first item discussed was the new tracking tool developed by Mr. Dowell and Mr. Wilbur. This tool will be used to track and report progress on open/action items and will be emailed to the Board once a week on Fridays.

Next, the Manager discussed the status of the stand-pipe repair. He reported that BanderSmith, in concurrence with Froheling and Robertson, recommends slip-lining the riser and outfall pipes, abandoning the low-level drain, and installing a siphon system. This approach does not need a video inspection. The Board directed the Manager to go back to the engineers to get clarification on using the siphon system as the primary spillway, and to lay out all options and provide their recommendation. Based on that recommendation, the Manager will receive a quote to have design work completed, which will be used to secure bids for the work.

The Manager also updated the Board on the progress of receiving bids for a concrete pad at the dumpster area, Time Disposal’s recycling program, which is still being sorted out, and Time Disposal’s maintenance on their dumpsters.
Finally, the Manager updated the Board on the progress for having the pipes around the pond that are clogged and crushed opened/repaired as well as the progress for seeding the common area off Shady Lane where the Bamboo was removed.

Under Old Business, the Board discussed the ongoing roadside cut back and common area clean-up. The next focus will be the corner of Big Oak and Turkey Ridge Road and the front of the lake and should commence within 2 weeks. The Board suggested that the Manager develop scope of work and request for proposals to have the roadside clearing a contracted, on-going item similar to the landscaping. Also the same contractor working on the common areas will be addressing 2 dangerous trees on common property next to 234 Turkey Ridge Lane.
Also, under Old Business, Mr. Coffin, Mr. Molhoek and Mr. Walker will work together with Mr. Davis and other Community Members to clean up, repair and update the playground area. They will inform the Manager of their needs and timing, so materials can be available when needed.
After Old Business Ms. Schnaitman delivered the Peacock Hill Service Company’s report. She reported that they are proceeding with the investment in wireless/digital controls for all of their wells, pumps and water towers. There should be no interruptions to service to the Community.

Next, Mr. Molhoek, chairperson of the Environmental Preservation Board (EPB) provided the EPB’s report. He reported that, since last meeting, there have been no requests. He has been contacted about an addition to an existing home but has yet to see a formal application.

Under New Business, the Manager reported on the financial status of the Community. The financials are available upon request from the Management Office.
Next, under New Business, Mr. Dowell and Mr. Lockledge discussed the dead trees off of Peacock Drive at 100 Apple Lane. After discussion about VDOT’s role and response, Mrs. Hollen moved that the Manager send the homeowner a letter communicating the Board’s position that it’s homeowner’s responsibility to take down. Mr. Lohr seconded the motion. Some clarifying remarks to include in the letter were then stated by Mr. Dowell. With no further comments or discussion, the motion passed unanimously.

During the discussion time, Mr. Walker expressed interest in serving on the Board of Directors. The Board took it under advisement and took no further action.

At 8:38 PM, Having nothing further to discuss the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by:
Lacy Wilbur, CMCA, AMS
Managing Agent